About SAIO
The UMSL College of Optometry Society for the Advancement of Independent Optometry (SAIO) seeks to promote the idea of independent optometry and private practice by bringing in guest speakers on the topics around owning and maintaining a private practice. SAIO strives to inspire the entrepreneurial side of optometry students by providing information about practice management, the financial side of optometry, billing and coding, marketing, modes of practice, and much more!
Feature Article: A How-to Guide to Instruments That Pay for Themselves
This is an article I stumbled across, that I immediately felt the need to share. SAIO received lots of positive feedback when we brought in a speaker who discussed the type of equipment necessary when initially opening a practice. Along the same line, this article, originally written by Neil B. Gailmard, OD, MBA, FAAO for Optometric Management, is essentially a reference to determine if certain optometric equipment will be worth the investment, or as Dr. Gailmard states, "if an instrument will pay for itself." Click on the title above to read more!
The SAIO website has officially launched September 2012!